The Transposon Registry

Displaying 241 - 260 of 2138
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Streptomycin
  • Sulphonamide
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Chromate resistance
Tn5045 is a 22-kb transposon, isolated from a permafrost strain of Pseudomonas sp. It composes of three genetic elements: Tn1013-like Tn3 family transposon (tnpA and tnpR genes), class 1 integron (integrase, aadA2 gene cassette, qacE∆1 and sul1 gene), and TnOtChr-like Tn3 family transposon (chromate resistance genes chrB, A, C, F).

Petrova, M., et al. (2011). "Tn5045, a novel integron-containing antibiotic and chromate resistance transposon isolated from a permafrost bacterium." Research in Microbiology 162(3): 337-345. DOI: 10.1016/j.resmic.2011.01.003

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5046 is a 10-kb transposon, isolated from the Pseudomonas sp. LS46-6 strain. The sequence data suggest that Tn5046 is a chimera with the mer operon (related to Tn5041) and the transposition module (related to Tn5044).

Mindlin, S., et al. (2001). "Mercury resistance transposons of gram-negative environmental bacteria and their classification." Res Microbiol 152(9): 811-822. DOI: 10.1016/S0923-2508(01)01265-7

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5053 is a 8.4-kb transposon, isolated from Xanthomonas sp. W17. It contains mercury operon (merR and merTPAD) and a part of integron.

Kholodii, G. Y., et al. (1993). "Tn5053, a mercury resistance transposon with integron's ends." J Mol Biol 230(4): 1103-1107. DOI: 10.1006/jmbi.1993.1228

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5056 is a mercury resistance transposon. It is similar to Tn5058, which contains mer1 and mer2 operon, with the insertion of an extra 1.2-kb segment into the Tn5056 mer2 locus of 1.2 kb.

Mindlin, S., et al. (2005). "Present-day mercury resistance transposons are common in bacteria preserved in permafrost grounds since the Upper Pleistocene." Res Microbiol 156(10): 994-1004. DOI: 10.1016/j.resmic.2005.05.011

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5058 is a 12-kb Tn5053 family transposon, which can be found on a plasmid pMCBF6. It contains mer operon, conferring mercury resistance.

Norberg, P., et al. (2014). Complete Nucleotide Sequence and Analysis of Two Conjugative Broad Host Range Plasmids from a Marine Microbial Biofilm. PLoS ONE9(3), e92321. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092321

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5060 is a 8.7-kb transposon, which is isolated from Pseudomonas sp. A19-1. It contains mer operon (urf-2 and merEDACPTR, conferring mercury resistance.

Kholodii, G., et al. (2003). "Tn5060 from the Siberian permafrost is most closely related to the ancestor of Tn21 prior to integron acquisition." FEMS Microbiol Lett 226(2): 251-255. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1097(03)00559-7

Accession number
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Apramycin
Tn5062 is a 3.4-kb mini-transposon, constructed based on Tn5 for transposon mutagenesis. It carries the RP4 oriT, a promoterless eGFP and apramycin resistance gene aac(IV).

Bishop, A., et al. (2004). Systematic Insertional Mutagenesis of a Streptomycete Genome: A Link Between Osmoadaptation and Antibiotic Production. Genome Research14(5), 893–900. DOI: 10.1101/gr.1710304

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5070 is a 7-kb transposon, isolated from Shewanella putrefaciens BW13. The transposition module of Tn5070 is related to that of Tn3 and the mer operon on Tn5070 is related to mer operon on plasmid pMERPH.

Mindlin, S., et al. (2001). "Mercury resistance transposons of gram-negative environmental bacteria and their classification." Res Microbiol 152(9): 811-822. DOI: 10.1016/S0923-2508(01)01265-7

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5073 is a 4.3-kb transposon, isolated from Klebsiella pneumoniae strain M426. It contains mercury operon (merRTPCAD genes) and is most closely related to Tn5036 and Tn1696.

Essa, A. M. M., et al. (2003). Mercury Resistance Determinants Related to Tn21, Tn1696, and Tn5053 in Enterobacteria from the Preantibiotic Era. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy47(3), 1115–1119. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.47.3.1115-1119.2003

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5074 is isolated from Morganella morganii strain M567. It contains mercury operon (merRTPFADE genes) and is most closely related to Tn5053.

Essa, A. M. M., et al. (2003). Mercury Resistance Determinants Related to Tn21, Tn1696, and Tn5053 in Enterobacteria from the Preantibiotic Era. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy47(3), 1115–1119. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.47.3.1115-1119.2003

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5075 is an 11.2-kb composite transposon, isolated from Escherichia coli strain M634. It contains two IS5075 elements flanking mercury operon (merRTPCADE genes) and is most closely related to Tn21 but lacks integron In2.

Essa, A. M. M., et al. (2003). Mercury Resistance Determinants Related to Tn21, Tn1696, and Tn5053 in Enterobacteria from the Preantibiotic Era. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy47(3), 1115–1119. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.47.3.1115-1119.2003

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5083 is isolated from Bacillus megaterium MK64-1. It contains merA, merB and merR genes, conferring mercury resistance.

Bogdanova E, et al. (2001) Class II broad-spectrum mercury resistance transposons in Gram-positive bacteria from natural environments. Res Microbiol 152: 503-514. DOI: 10.1016/S0923-2508(01)01224-4

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5084 is an 11.5 kb transposon isolated from Bacillus cereus RC607. It contains merAPTE, merB (1,2 and 3) and merR (1 and 2) genes, conferring mercury resistance.

Bogdanova E, et al. (2001) Class II broad-spectrum mercury resistance transposons in Gram-positive bacteria from natural environments. Res Microbiol 152: 503-514. DOI: 10.1016/S0923-2508(01)01224-4

Accession number
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5084 is an 11.8-kb transposon, found on a plasmid pKLH3 from Exiguobacterium sp TC38-2b. It contains merAPTE, merB (1,2 and 3) and merR (1 and 2) genes, conferring mercury resistance. It is similar to Tn5084 with differences in the res region and the tnpR gene

Bogdanova E, et al. (2001) Class II broad-spectrum mercury resistance transposons in Gram-positive bacteria from natural environments. Res Microbiol 152: 503-514. DOI: 10.1016/S0923-2508(01)01224-4

Accession number
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Sulphonamide
  • Trimethoprim
  • Heavy Metal Resistance
  • Mercury Resistance
Tn5086 is a 15.3-kb transposon, isolated from a plasmid pLMO27. It contains mer operon and integron (containing trimethoprim resistance gene dhfrVII cassette and sul1 gene). It is closely related to Tn21, which contains aad41 gene cassette instead.

Sundström, L., Swedberg, G., & Sköld, O. (1993). Characterization of transposon Tn5086, carrying the site-specifically inserted gene dhfrVII mediating trimethoprim resistance. Journal of Bacteriology175(6), 1796–1805. DOI: 10.1128/jb.175.6.1796-1805.1993

Accession number
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Trimethoprim
  • Antispetic Resistance
  • Efflux functions
Tn5090 is located on plasmid R751 from Klebsiella aerogenes, which is similar to Tn21 and Tn5086. It contains an integron (carrying dhfrIIc-containing gene cassette and qacE gene).

Rådström, P. et al. (1994). Transposon Tn5090 of plasmid R751, which carries an integron, is related to Tn7, Mu, and the retroelements. Journal of Bacteriology176(11), 3257–3268. DOI: 10.1128/jb.176.11.3257-3268.1994

Accession number
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Apramycin
Tn5096 is a 3.0-kb transposon, which is constructed for a transposon mutagenesis in Streptomyces species. It is constructed based on IS493 by cloning apramycin resistance genes between ORF-A and ORF-B of IS493.

Baltz RH, Hahn DR, McHenney MA & Solenberg PJ (1992) Transposition of Tn5096 and related transposons in Streptomyces species. Gene 115: 61-65. DOI: 10.1016/0378-1119(92)90541-V

  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Apramycin
Tn5097 is a 3.0-kb transposon, which is constructed for a transposon mutagenesis in Streptomyces species. It is constructed based on IS493 same as Tn5096, but its apramycin an apramycin resistance gene is inserted in different orientations.

Hahn DR, Solenberg PJ, McHenney MA & Baltz RH (1991) Transposition and transduction of plasmid DNA in Streptomyces spp. Journal of industrial microbiology 7: 229-234. PMID: 1369329

  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Apramycin
  • Metabolism
  • Tylosin production
Tn5098 is a derivative of Tn5086 with a size of 5.3-kb. It is modified from Tn5096 to insert a second copy of the tylosin production genes into Streptomyces fradiae to improve tylosin (Ty) production, by inserting tylJ and tylF genes in Tn5096.

Solenberg PJ, et al. (1996) Transposition mutagenesis in Streptomyces fradiae: identification of a neutral site for the stable insertion of DNA by transposon exchange. Gene 168: 67-72. DOI: 10.1016/0378-1119(95)00765-2

  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Hygromycin
Tn5099 is a 4.4-kb transposon, which is constructed as a promoter probe transposon for Streptomyces spp. It is constructed by inserting a promoterless xylE reporter gene and a hygromycin resistance gene into IS493

Hahn, D. R., Solenberg, P. J., & Baltz, R. H. (1991). Tn5099, a xylE promoter probe transposon for Streptomyces spp. Journal of Bacteriology173(17), 5573–5577. DOI: 10.1128/jb.173.17.5573-5577.1991
